A Guarded Heart & Mind is Protected From Worry
My mind keeps drifting to scripture where Jesus would say "Don't worry." Those are powerful words. Jesus only spoke with truth and authority, so whenever He would say “Don’t worry” the story would end. It was final. Don't worry. When He told Martha that she was worried about too many things and needed to just focus on one thing - the thing that would never be taken from her, the story ended. She didn't have any complaints left to share, she didn't have anything else to add. She was reminded of the one thing she had and that was it. Yes, Lord, I won't worry. I had forgotten what is better for me. I will sit at Your feet and be with You.
Whenever God told people “Don’t be afraid” in the Old Testament they then went ahead and did what He had commanded them to do. It was final, they couldn’t be without courage, but they were encouraged by His words and His presence.
I love the obedience. God loves the obedience. They had to move. They still had to move.
It was a smooth move for my husband and me when we moved to a different neighborhood. As we settled into our new home I thanked the Lord for its smoothness and thought, Lord, You take care of Your children.
It’s not just that -- bad things don’t always have to happen. I don’t need to worry for anything, it’s possible and more probable for something to go right than wrong. Why am I left in awe when things go right? Just because I don’t know how things will be doesn’t mean I have to fear or worry or stress, it can still be ok.
I then began to ask the Lord, what is this fear? What is this worry? Have I been so hurt, so traumatized by unexpected events, that it’s hard for me to expect the best or believe that it’s going to be ok? Is it because things have happened that I couldn’t control so I worry? I worry when I don’t know? This idolatry of control. The idolatry of knowing.
I surrender things to the Lord, I say, it’s in Your hands and I move on; it’s like my mind goes there, it’s already going towards the thought of fear and worry. I want to live my life as being anxious for nothing.
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:4-7
Don’t be anxious about anything. But if there is something that you need, or a circumstance you need help in -- ask the Lord for the help. And He will give you peace. Not a peek at the future or the expected outcome, but peace. A peace that will help you to carry on and move on. It will guard your heart, guard it from outside worry or pain. When you have something locked up and guarded, it cannot just leave or be squeezed out. It is inside of you.
His peace guards our minds and hearts, but what’s inside of them? What is already in there? What do you have locked inside, protected? What thoughts are you left to meditate on? What hopes and dreams are you protecting? There are precious things inside of you, and He wants to protect them. Not shame them, embarrass you of them, but to protect it, because it is in you, it is a part of you, a part of who you are.
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