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Seeing Naomi

Life is an outcome of choices. Paths we decide to take, paths we decide to deter from, and paths we have yet to discover. I admire people who take the traditional route, I also admire those who opt out from it. I was rigidly in the former; I understood things in black and white and do's and don'ts. But, "Wisdom comes with age," Job 32:7; and as we age we (hopefully) grow out of our naivety. My impressionable mind led me onto helpless paths of depending on others to make decisions for me, now, decision-making has become a wonder to me. People can genuinely be happy on the traditional route, when it's their choice or even when they had to learn how to be content. I can empathize with those who feel like they don't have a choice; how for them they may say to themselves, "that's life! It is what it is." For myself, I can't reconcile with that sense of defeat. To give up hope that there could be more any beauty in this world; whether you add to th

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