With boldness, love and truth

Worship in the rain.
There are different parts to a church, also known as ministries. To name a few, there is the Sunday school ministry, the women’s ministry, the sound team, the worship team, and the evangelism ministry. I found my place in the evangelism ministry and this summer we reached out to our community by throwing events and talking one-on-one. We don’t go out to judge, we don’t go out to correct; we go out to share what God has done in our lives and what He can do in yours.

Our latest event was “Celebration of Life” where we had food, water, games, and cake to celebrate the life God has given us. My neighborhood is as diverse as America is in itself. However, at this event the majority were Asians and Latinos. Thankfully we had our Chinese pastor and his wife to preach. It was beautiful to see the children of Asian families respond to hearing about Jesus and how much He loved us that He died for us. The children rejoiced and agreed to worship Jesus. We didn’t scare them into believing; we just shared the truth and let them decide.

At "Celebration of Life."
People have different responses when we approach them about God. We would get those who seem to feel above religion or God, those who laugh and run away, or those who fearlessly ignore us. But with God's strength and grace, we’re prepared for any response.

We don’t get offended, we don’t curse anyone out — we pray. We pray as preparation for when we go out and we pray for the souls, we pray for the lost, we pray for healing, we pray for wisdom, we pray for God to give us the words and the discernment. You see, we don’t do this for us to feel good or to “win points” with God. We know it’s all about God and for God. We are His servants and He moves us to reach out; He gives us the boldness to go out.

Some of us were even bold enough to share our testimonies. Testimonies are true experiences or encounters people have with God that have transformed their lives. Testimonies prove that God is real and shows what God has done and can do for His children.

“Celebration of Life” ended with a big celebration of worship in the rain. As the park cleared out we continued to stay in God’s presence with joy in our hearts. We were so thankful to God for what He did that day. We had people come up to us for prayer and with questions. People are always searching for an answer; people want comfort and truth. People want love.

What are your thoughts on evangelism?

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."
— Mark 16:15

Edited April 2021


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